Nyamplong Bikini Fashion: July 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008

best trend tattoo

I just found out a friend also has ink from Atlantic Studios. Check out her work: A before shot of a piece she decided to update.

In progress.
And the new updated look. Excellent work. I love it!

And some wrist ink with meaning.

I knew she was cool before but now she is super cool! Thanks N for letting me share the pics.

best trend tattoo

I just found out a friend also has ink from Atlantic Studios. Check out her work: A before shot of a piece she decided to update.

In progress.
And the new updated look. Excellent work. I love it!

And some wrist ink with meaning.

I knew she was cool before but now she is super cool! Thanks N for letting me share the pics.

best trend tattoo

I just found out a friend also has ink from Atlantic Studios. Check out her work: A before shot of a piece she decided to update.

In progress.
And the new updated look. Excellent work. I love it!

And some wrist ink with meaning.

I knew she was cool before but now she is super cool! Thanks N for letting me share the pics.

Monday, July 7, 2008

DORMITORIOS JUVENILES Camas elevadas para dormitorios juveniles con poco espacio

Las Camas elevadas son las soluciones para decorar dormitorios juveniles especialmente cuando hay falta de espacio. Al elevar la cama, se permite que la zona generada bajo la misma se pueda utilizar para otras funciones, como una acogedora zona de estudio:
Este es un ejemplo que combina a la perfección belleza y utilidad, con arriesgadas propuestas que, en ocasiones, cambiarán por completo la forma de disfrutar del dormitorio juvenil. Si tienes el techo alto mucho mejor.
El colorido dormitorio para jovencitos de La Oca se decanta por aprovechar el espacio mientras no se utiliza una de las camas. Gracias a sus ruedas, esta operación puede ser fácilmente realizada, y el resto de la decoración del dormitorio juvenil modular contribuye a crear una estancia con todos los elementos integrados.
Las últimas colecciones de mobiliario juvenil han dado una vuelta de tuerca a la decoración. La innovación, tradicionalmente ligada a los valores emergentes y a la juventud, es fácilmente visible en las colecciones actuales del mercado, destinadas a quienes todavía no son adultos, pero ya no son unos niños.
Cuando nos referimos a estos avances no debemos olvidar que no son sólo nuevas interpretaciones estéticas, como las rompedoras gamas de colores o la introducción de nuevos materiales: éste es un público permeable a los cambios funcionales, sobre todo si facilitan la vida del joven.
Estas camas elevadas, llamadas tambien camas camarote, tienes múltiples aplicaciones posibles para la decoración de un dormitorio de adolescentes como por ejemplo destinar el espacio bajo la cama elevada para una pequeña sala de estar, donde poder ver la televisión o escuchar música, sin necesidad de deshacer la cama constantemente.

Video con varias fotos de dormitorios de diferentes tendencias y estilos

Este video te da la posibilidad de ver diferentes ambientes a través de fotografías, se muestran multitud de imágenes fijas una detrás de otra, practicamente un álbum en movimiento que nos presenta un dormitorio detrás de otro. Creo que es un vídeo muy útil porque se pueden extraer ideas sobre la combinación de colores, los cabeceros, la colocación de los cuadros, etc. Espero les guste, disfrútenlo:

VIDEO CANDICE OLSON BEDROOM un bellisimo dormitorio remodelado el antes y despues - DORMITORIO MARRON CANDICE OLSON DIVINE DESIGN

Video de un bellísimo dormitorio chocolate. Esta remodelación muestra el antes y despues de un espacio que se convirtió en un hermoso lugar para dormir y disfrutar, del programa de tv Divine Design (Diseño Divino) que conduce Candice Olson. Nótese la elegancia que dan las fotos impresas colocadas en cuadros dentro de la habitación sobre todo en la cabecera de la cama:

En este dormitorio para dama, se usa espejos sobre las puertas para eliminarlas visualmente.
Diseñadora del bello dormitorio marrón: Candice Olson Diseño Divino.
Candice Olson's Divine Design: Lofty ExpectationsOur makeover magician turns an unsightly attic into a sleeping beauty.
After decorating the nursery and giving their suburban town house a child-friendly decor, new parents Tatiana and Dimitri decided they needed a master bedroom where they could escape for quality time on their own. A 22-by-13-foot attic offered the space and privacy, but with one tiny window and six builder-basic doors (four closets and two entryways) interrupting the walls, it was a design challenge.
Fortunately, Candice Olson saw the possibilities. She began by dividing the room into two zones: one for sleeping and another for lounging. A custom platform bed with a 10-foot-long headboard against one wall defined the sleep area. Then Olson carved out a reading/daydreaming nook, replacing a desk that previously occupied the windowed alcove with a comfy chaise. “No one wants to think about work when they’re trying to sleep,” she says. A soothing palette of taupe, beige, and dark brown unifies the room. For added punch, Olson concealed the closet doors behind mirrors. “It’s all so beautiful, like a chocolate heaven,” says Tatiana. Sweet dreams indeed.
Do Not Disturb
Opposite the entry door, Olson and her team centered a king-size custom platform bed made of walnut-stained mahogany. At just 1 foot off the ground, the unit—with built-in end tables for a streamlined look—makes the 8-foot ceilings appear higher. For illumination, each side of the sprawling headboard is fitted with a simple sconce. The entire structure rests against a shimmery backdrop of hand-stamped bronze metallic wallpaper. To imbue this windowless part of the room with a sense of nature, the designer hung four black-and-white photos of flowers. She also livened the bed by mixing textures: a puckered coverlet, smooth silk shams, and faux fur and velvet throw pillows. To break up the straight lines of the furnishings and add a shot of color, Olson placed an oval raspberry-hued leather ottoman at the foot of the bed.
Lounge Wizard
To make the alcove’s 3-foot-square window appear larger and also visually heighten the room, Olson swathed the entire 8-foot-long wall with floor-to-ceiling sheers and taupe silk drapes. A 5-by-3-foot chaise lounge upholstered in a creamy silk- and-cotton blend is tucked in front of the window. Art objects rest on space-saving floating shelves. Two dainty glass-and-bead pendants provide reading light, while a brown-dyed faux sheepskin rug sets this nook off from the adjacent sleeping area. “In tight quarters, it’s important to choose small-scale items,” says Olson. For instance, a mini end table—a limestone disc on three nickel legs—is the perfect size to hold a drink or two.
Glitter and Glam
With the addition of a Louis XVI–style see-through acrylic chair near the foot of the chaise, the alcove doubles as a cozy conversation area where Tatiana and Dimitri can read or catch up at the end of the day. And the barely-there chair can be easily and unobtrusively moved around the room. To add shimmer and sheen, Olson chose reflective finishes; a stainless steel magazine rack holds reading material, and an aluminum sculpture of palm fronds hangs on the right-hand wall, highlighted by a ceiling-mounted low-
voltage halogen light.
Calm Reflections
Atop a dark-stained wood dresser, two table lamps sit in front of a shiny abstract painting. The horizontal stripes in the glass lamp bases echo the striations in the dresser; the metallic artwork was chosen to complement the room’s space- and light- enhancing mirrors.
In the alcove, left, mahogany shelves—at 6 feet long and 10 inches deep—are roomy enough to display various collectibles; a tall mango-wood vase and the orblike glass vases below it echo the vessel subjects in the rectangular still life.
Low-lying ledges on either side of the platform bed, right, serve as nightstands. Under the bed, Olson topped the wall-to-wall carpeting with a cream-colored shag area rug to give the homeowners a cushy spot to step come morning.
Fuente: elledecor.com, pointclickhome.com via Dormitorios

Video de como decorar una habitacion

Este video nos da ideas para los que estamos interesados en la decoración de dormitorio, hay tips y pautas a tener en cuenta cuando diseñamos el dormitorio:

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dormitorio en metal forjado negro y rojo

Bello dormitorio en metal forjado que se vende en indicodecoracion.com . Los colores predominantes en esta decoración, son el rojo oscuro, blanco y negro. Nótese el efecto de la iluminación blanca que viene desde atrás de la cabecera.
Euros 1.205,00€
Dormitorio Eros. Cabezal 155alturaX145 cm (394 €) Mesilla con cajón 78X40X30 cm (321 €). Mesilla sin cajón 76x40x30 (193 €). Descalzadora 45x99x49 cm (297 €)



Nyamplong Bikini Fashion