Nyamplong Bikini Fashion: FashionGIVEAWAY by He...Gypsy

Friday, August 6, 2010

FashionGIVEAWAY by He...Gypsy

It's everyones favorite time again, Giveaway Time! You can get your very own pair of Gypsy Underwear.

"Gypsy is a unique line of hand designed underwear and was born from lazy saturday mornings and the search for the perfect pair of cute sexy undies. The style is inspired from my love of all things beach and the line grew out of a free-spirited lifestyle - the sand in my toes, a cold dip in the ocean, freckled skin and smiles, bleached out hair in the sun and flowers everywhere."

When they went out to design that lazy Saturday morning underwear with a beach theme, they nailed it on the head with these. Want to have He wake up with a smile on his face on a weekend morning. Try bringing He a cup of coffee in bed wearing a pair of these. HE approved!

Now that we know what we are playing for, here is how to win. You MUST be a follower to win. Leave a comment, Retweet @fashionbyhe, Become a Facebook Fan. The winner will be announced next Friday. He is probably going to need a picture to confirm the winner as received them.


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Nyamplong Bikini Fashion